2020年12月大学英语四级作文题目 23年12月英语四级作文预测
2024-11-21 10:31:41

  You should write an email inreply to a friend"s inquiry about whether you are going to work or continue your study after graduation.You shouM also explain the reasons behind your choice.






  A Letter of Reply

  Dear Li Ming,

  I’m very glad to hear from you.Concerning my plan after graduation,I will probably continue my study as a postgraduate.

  I have the following reasons.First of all,a higher degree and beaer educational background will give me an edge on the fierce competition of job-hunting because the fact that millions of college students enter the job market annually makes it difficult for US to find the job we want.Besides,as far as I am concemed,knowledge is,undoubtedly,an invaluable treasure of human being,and we should make full use of our youth to learn as much knowledge as possible.of course.staying in the Ivory Tower doesn’t suggest that l will be cut off from society;instead.I will get involved in social and practical activities in my spare time.

  Taking all aspects into account.I choose to further my study and get a master’s degree.

  Many thanks for your concern.Best wishes!

  Your sincerely,

  Wang Lang



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