:写春天的英语作文 关于春天的英语作文
2024-11-03 14:30:36

   On Sunday, wind He Rili, celestial tile blue tile is blue, every piece Bai Yun in the sky happy amuse oneself is worn. I and mom are riding a bicycle to go field looks for spring. Wow! Vernal open country is very beautiful! Have the cornfield that hopes to be less than an edge shiny green, just the pale green small grass of break ground, peony is beautiful on the gemmule that grew Gong Gong, each was shown on sallow the not famous floret of cerebella bag, yellow, still have, the ice in the pond melted, also become even land very loose like biscuit. Walk into cornfield, the wheat seeding of glossy dark green of glossy dark green grows one 拃 tall, gentle breeze is blown slowly, wheat seeding start comes lively dancing, green wave an one bend over, be like the spring in paean beauty. The land below the foot also had spring in the air. Of clump of a silk, one clump small grass was gotten out from the ground, much more lovely small grass! Delicate, so tender that appear to be touched gently can become broken end, the color of olivine olivine is a little light, the small grass that just grows is brushy, touch go up very comfortable, the feeling resembles feeling the nap of the chickling, resemble feeling the eiderdown with one easy bed again, resemble growing the long hair with long suitable slipping in little girl fortunately. I and mom come to Liu Lin. I discover wicker to go up a few bulgier the dot of bumpy, approach to look, ah! It is the gemmule bud that gives out on willow actually, gemmule bud is oblate and oblate, taking in red pale green, green in taking light pink, very beautiful color, but true beauty! In roadside, I discover a small chrysanthemum, appearance very resemble helianthus, although it is very small, also do not sniff what scent almost, but it also wants to show its beauty in spring! You look, is Huang Huang's floret frame-up appear the flavor that gives spring? We come to the side of the pond again. The ice in the pond melted. The water of bottle green ripples the warm idea that gives spring. Zhen Rourou's spring breeze is blown, surface swung a ripple, seem to gasping in admiration: "Spring is really beautiful! I love you -- spring. " ground of our be reluctant to part leaves open country, go recalling the spring that I look for!



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